Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Another pretty good article from World Peace Herald

From World Peace Herald:
'Education is a very big part,' says Mr. Blaschke, an elementary and middle school teacher who lives in Northern Virginia. 'Guns and families can coexist. It boils down to responsibility. A responsible gun owner needs to make sure his children develop a respect for [the guns].'

These days, two of Mr. Blaschke's stepdaughters -- Meghan Nelson, 14, and Darby Nelson, 10 -- are safe as well as skilled with guns. They practice at the shooting range with Mr. Blaschke. Darby is thinking of entering a competition. The third stepdaughter is not interested in guns.

'John and Darby have really bonded doing things like this,' says the girls' mother, Sara.
The article goes on to mention both pro- and con-having guns in the house with children, and even talks about the (gasp) Eddie Eagle program from the NRA.

My two cents: I have loaded guns in the house with small children. My loaded guns are locked, but I have quick access to them. I give my kids quick gun lessons every now and then--they always help me clean the guns after I've had a visit to the range. Neither is responsible enough to handle a loaded gun yet, but they are learning. Until then, the guns stay locked, and the key stays with me. And they both love going to the gun show.

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