Thursday, July 07, 2005

Minuteman Project Vigilance

The Minuteman Project recently conducted another patrol of the Avery Valley area in Arizona during July 1-4. Here is some vigilante activity which they carried out:
Saturday morning at approximately noon a Minutewoman driving her car on a laundry patrol was approached by a young man. After she slowly pulled away while calling Border Patrol, he ran after her car waving a bottle. A laundry patrol is when volunteers drive desolate back roads looking for fences marked with t-shirts or other clothing, which indicates a location where illegal aliens are hiding in the brush awaiting a coyote to pick them up in a vehicle.

Minutewoman Gayle was soon joined by volunteer Fred, who stopped his car and said 'hello' while offering water to the young man. MCDC volunteers quickly realized the teenager was in a desperate physical condition from the heat, and again called for Border Patrol's assistance. While waiting for Border Patrol's arrival, volunteers offered food but the delirious teen refused. Volunteers soaked a towel with water and draped it over his shoulders and encouraged him to sit in a shaded area, all the while comforting him with kind words and asked the young man where he was going. He was so disoriented he did not know and stated he had no other traveling companions.

35 minutes later a Border Patrol EMT agent arrived to pick up the young man. After examining the young illegal border crosser, the agent told volunteers they had saved the man's life. More agents arrived to search the area and a short time later discovered the man's companion under a bush about 100 yards away from the road. His companion had died hours earlier.

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