Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Obscure blog with weird name says Philip Pullman is insufficiently intelligent

From ekklesia:
Feted children's writer Philip Pullman has said that CS Lewis's famous Narnia books - about to become the latest Disney cinematic blockbuster - portray a version of Christianity that relies on martial combat, outdated fears of sexuality and women, and racist attitudes, according to the Observer newspaper in the UK.
Why just pick on Lewis? Tolkien was a Christian (and a close friend of Lewis), and look at his books.

Martial combat: Well, I don't think I need to even comment on that.

Outdated fears of sexuality and women: None of the Seven were female. The only prominent female in the story is Galadriel, and she isn't even human. She sits in her sanctuary and manipulates everyone she can as she sees fit.

Racist attitudes: The dark, ugly orcs are all evil, because, well, they're all dark, ugly orcs.

I think this Pullman guy is just jealous because he knows he will never write anything close to Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength.

tnx to Next to Last Samurai

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