Sunday, September 12, 2010

Album promotional stickers

Another item of musical ephemera from the old box that holds the paper CD display boxes. I never read anywhere--or thought--they might become collectible. I just saved these on my own whim. These are promo stickers that were affixed to the shrinkwrap. All of these cames from LPs. Click to view larger versions; if your monitor is set to 1024x728 you will see them actual size.

I don't know why exactly I saved these things. If I recall correctly, I had a vague idea way back then of eventually creating a big collage of these things to hang on my wall over my stereo system. I never did that, but I still have a bunch of these promo stickers.

1 comment:

  1. I used to save the stickers from LPs and cassettes too, and kinda gave up on it, didn't see them really making them more "collectable" or whatever.
