Friday, October 14, 2005

The Unspeakable Madness of Tori

Cinematical casually mentions:
[Dan] Gildark is the director of Cthulhua [sic], a film based on H.P. Lovecraft's mythology - starring Tori Spelling, if you can believe that..."
Some of us still don't want to believe it. Unfortunately, truth is often more horrible than fiction.

(Yes, I'm going to continue flogging this equine--deceased or not--until it has been swallowed by the maelstrom of mediocrity. I hope it's a good movie, but do not expect it to be.)


  1. With Tori's bulging eyes, I see her as a shoe-in for a citizen of Innsmouth. Here fishy, fishy, fishy.


  2. True. Very true. I just didn't want to speak such words aloud, lest my already fragile sanity slip a few points further into the dark maw of oblivion.
