Saturday, November 07, 2009

It's very, very quiet

Both kids are at a slumber party. My wife is studying her information pack for becoming a new Girl Scout leader. It's pipe time.

Even though I haven't ripped any records lately, I have a big backlog of stuff that I could post about, but I haven't felt like doing any critical listening lately. Sometimes making even brief notes and rating songs is just too much effort and I need to just let the music play and not think about it too much. Also I have been downloading free stuff from Amazon like mad.

I got all those Mojo Nixon albums they had, but had to partly pay for the last one because they went back to being not-free before I could finish. We finish paying for my truck in a few more months; that will be an extra $391 per month that we won't have to worry about and since I just put a new engine in the truck I hope for it to last for several more years. I've begun looking into options for a high-, or at least higher-speed, connection.

Work has been fairly easy lately, mostly because of the cooler weather. Also we are at full staff plus several temps for the first time since I got hired, and many of the 2-person motor routes lately have had three people on them because we are actually ahead of schedule, which seems quite strange to me. We just went past cycle 5 and are coming in to cycle 10 without having to work on a Saturday, which is a first during my time there.

I have nothing much to say about the atrocity of this past week. It was an act of terror, nothing less, despite what the MSM has to say about it. There are a multitude of blogs covering it, but in case you haven't yet seen it, be sure and read this twist at Atlas Shrugs.

Also, mainstream "journalists" would do well to read a dictionary now and then. There is a big difference between a tragedy and an atrocity. A flood, an earthquake, perhaps a car wreck is a tragedy. The Fort Hood shooting was an atrocity.

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