Saturday, April 30, 2005

Assault weapon B.S.

Check out this excellent disembowelment of the New York Times assault weapons article over at The Smallest Minority.
In other words, the VPC supported the "Assault Weapons Ban" that wasn't a ban because it was: A) perceived as a great way to frighten people into supporting legislation by lying to them about what that legislation actually did; B) It looked like a great "wedge issue" to separate the NRA from the police on the beat who generally support the right to arms even though their politically connected Chiefs don't; and C) As Charles Krauthammer noted, it was a great symbolic "first step" towards eventual confiscation and widening of gun bans. (Oh, and note the "plastic" firearm bit - be afraid of a gun that doesn't exist!)
Thanks for clearing that up. I kept wondering what the heck they were talking about. Maybe they should be more worried about those double-barreled wooden guns.

tnx to Heads Bunker

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