Monday, June 13, 2005

More goings-on at Virginia Tech

I originally mentioned this about a week ago. Here's an update on anti-self-defense activity at Virginia Tech:
Virginia Tech officials are sticking to their ban on guns and asking the university's governing board to endorse an anti-violence policy that threatens to arrest anyone who refuses to disarm or leave campus.
No mention of how they plan on anti-violence protection against those who don't give a rat's ass about the gun ban. The sort-of good news is:
But while the gun ban would clearly prohibit holders of concealed weapons permits from carrying firearms on campus, university officials said they have no intention of searching visitors unless police believe they pose a safety threat. "We still think we need a safe campus," said Kurt Krause, Tech's vice president for business affairs and administration. "But someone carrying a weapon concealed doesn't become an issue until they show [the gun]. We're not going to go searching cars or patting people down.
Philip Van Cleave, president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, said his group will be prepared to fight the issue, likely through the legislative process.

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